of winning, he was determined to recover his losses to the last farthing; and although his bonds, bills, obligations, his sister's jewels, and a large amount in gold and genuine notes, were produced, there was still a heavy sum deficient. "Ah, by the by," exclaimed Sandford as I entered, "Waters can lend you the sum for an hour or two--for a consideration," he added in a whisper. "It will soon be returned.""No, thank you," I answered coldly. "I never part with my money till I have lost it." A malignant scowl passed over the scoundrel's features; but he made no reply. Ultimately it was decided that one of the fraternity should be despatched in search of the required amount. He was gone about half an hour, and returned with a bundle of notes. They were, as I hoped and expected, forgeries on foreign banks. Mr. Merton looked at and counted them; and play commenced. As it went on, so vividly did the scene recall the evening that had sealed my own ruin, that I grew dizzy with excitement, and drained tumbler after tumbler of water to allay the fevered throbbing of my veins. The gamblers were fortunately too much absorbed to heed my agitation. Merton lost continuously--without pause or intermission. The stakes were doubled--trebled--quadrupled! His brain was on fire; and he played, or rather lost, with the recklessness of a madman. "Hark! what's that?" suddenly exclaimed Sandford, from whose Satanic features the mask he had so long worn before Merton had been gradually slipping. "Did you not hear a noise below?" My ear had caught the sound; and I could better interpret it than he. It ceased. "Touch the signal-bell, Adolphe," added Sandford. Not only the play, but the very breathing of the villains, was suspended as they listened for the reply. It came. The answering tinkle sounded once--twice--thrice. "All right!" shouted Sandford. "Proceed! The farce is nearly played out." I had instructed the officers that two of them in plain clothes should present themselves at the front door, obtain admission by means of the password I had given them, and immediately seize and gag the door-keeper. I had also acquainted them with the proper answer to the signal-wring--three distinct pulls at the bell-handle communicating with the first floor. Their comrades were then to be admitted, and they were all to silently ascend the stairs, and wait on the landing till summoned by me to enter and seize the gamesters. The back entrance to the house was also securely but unobtrusively watched. One only fear disturbed me: it was lest the scoundrels should take alarm in sufficient time to extinguish the lights, destroy the forged papers, and possibly escape by some private passage which might, unknown to me, exist. Rousing myself, as soon as the play was resumed, from the trance of