Nancy Dale, Army Nurse
“Of course. I wanted to see if I could get a reaction out of him.”

“And did you?”

“I’ll say. He shot a glance at me as if I’d poked him in the ribs.”

Mabel grunted. “Don’t see where that proves anything. Anybody using German words in these times should surely make people sit up and take notice.”

“But I could swear he’s the same, Mabel. Dark-rimmed glasses, small mustache, lean face, and a very immaculate, tailored look about his clothes.”

“Well, what are you going to do about it?”

“Go straight to Captain Lewis. I’m taking no chances again, even if it gets Tini into trouble.”

“She may be working with him.”

“She’s certainly acted in a way to make us suspicious,” agreed Nancy.

“Oh, she’s always acted like that—behind the backs of those over her. I never paid much attention to that. She’s an only child, very spoiled. Her parents have oodles of money.”

“Then she didn’t have to take nurse’s training—for a way to make a living.”

Mabel laughed significantly again. “At the time she went in she was in love with one of the hospital internes. It gave her a chance to be with him more.”

“Evidently she didn’t get him.”

“She sure didn’t. Soon after he got settled with his practice, he married a real sweet girl. By that time Tini was so nearly through her training she couldn’t quit without causing lots of talk.”

“Strange for her to take on the hardships of the Army Nurse Corps.”

“She wanted to get away from home and the catty people who enjoyed her being jilted.”

“Too bad to have such an experience so young,” said Nancy, suddenly feeling sorry for Tini.

“She surely was thrilled at having that new fellow tonight.”

They were moving into the throng at the bus stop now, and fell silent, for they had been warned about too much talk within the hearing of others.

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