Nancy Dale, Army Nurse

“Tini gripes a lot about regulations and the hardships of the military training, but Mabel said she was always complaining during her nurse’s training. She’s an only child. Her family has plenty of money, and she’s rather spoiled. All those things have to be taken into consideration.”

Nancy saw the ghost of a smile flicker around the major’s nice lips. Then he said, “But you’ve evaded my question.”

“Oh, no. I’m not trying to evade, because I honestly don’t think Tini has the makings of a spy. I think she’s motivated entirely by selfishness. She would be horribly bored here without dates—she’ll go with most anybody rather than be dateless.”

“I suppose with a little flattery a man could wheedle a good bit out of her.”

“You may be right,” Nancy conceded.

She rose to leave and he stood up.

“All this has been a great help,” he told her. “But keep in mind it’s still between us two.”

She was almost at the door when he added, “And by the way—a notice has just been put on the bulletin board that will interest you.”

“Oh, are we going to be sent overseas soon?”

He laughed again. “You’re optimistic! Some nurses have been waiting to go over for a year or more, and here you’re expecting to go in a few weeks.”

“It has been done,” Nancy came back promptly. “Oh, Major Reed, if they’d only send me to the South Pacific in a hurry! I have a brother out there who’s almost finished his flying missions. If I get there before he comes back, I may have a chance to see him.”

“Just keep your shirt on,” he told her. “You’ll probably get into the thick of it before it’s all over. I’m afraid there’s more than we dreamed of ahead. That notice out there says you’re to get a taste of tent life, starting Monday.”

“Oh, that’s really to my liking!” exclaimed Nancy. She hurried away to find Mabel and tell her the news.

On Sunday just before supper Nancy and Mabel were packed to start off by army truck at dawn next morning. It was exciting to put into practice their instructions about packing compactly for 
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