1808. [Pg i] [Pg i] CONTENTS OF VOLUME THIRTEENTH. Translations From Juvenal. Translations From Persius. [Pg ii] The Works OF Virgil, translated into English verse. Pastorals. TRANSLATIONS FROM JUVENAL. [Pg 2][Pg 3] [Pg 2][Pg 3] ESSAY ON SATIRE: ADDRESSED TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE CHARLES, EARL OF DORSET AND MIDDLESEX, LORD CHAMBERLAIN OF HIS MAJESTY'S HOUSEHOLD, KNIGHT OF THE MOST NOBLE ORDER OF THE GARTER, &C.[1] MY LORD, The wishes and desires of all good men, which have attended your lordship from your first appearance in the world, are at length accomplished, from your obtaining those honours and dignities which you have so long deserved. There are no factions,[Pg 4] though irreconcileable to one another, that are not united in their affection to you, and the respect they pay you. They are equally pleased in your prosperity, and would be equally concerned in your afflictions. Titus Vespasian was not more the delight of human kind. The universal empire made him only more known, and more powerful, but could not make him more beloved. He had greater ability of doing good, but your inclination to it is not