AHINOAM DAVID [He breaks off with a gesture of great desire, takes the harp and seats himself.] He breaks off with a gesture of great desire, takes the harp and seats himself. AHINOAM [David begins; a strain of wild sadness. Saul enters and with him Doeg, Ishui, Jonathan—others. He pauses, his hand to his brow, and goes slowly, enspelled of David’s playing, up the dais.] David begins; a strain of wild sadness. Saul enters and with him Doeg, Ishui, Jonathan—others. He pauses, his hand to his brow, and goes slowly, enspelled of David’s playing, up the dais. David Saul Doeg Ishui Jonathan David AHINOAM SAUL DAVID [With high sorrow.] With high sorrow. [Plays.] Plays.