David: A Tragedy




SCENE: The House of MIRIAM, the “Witch of Endor,” by Mount Gilboa—where Saul is encamped against the Philistines. It is of one story, built rectangularly about an inner court, which is dimly lighted.

SCENE: The House of MIRIAM, the “Witch of Endor,” by Mount Gilboa—where Saul is encamped against the Philistines. It is of one story, built rectangularly about an inner court, which is dimly lighted.

Under the gallery which ranges around the court are doors leading to the sleeping and other apartments; before one of these, a lattice. On the left is the gate opening to the street. In the back to one side, the teraphim, or image of divination; on the other side a stairway mounts to the roof. Above is the night, and vague lightning amid a moan of wind. During the act comes dawn.

Under the gallery which ranges around the court are doors leading to the sleeping and other apartments; before one of these, a lattice. On the left is the gate opening to the street. In the back to one side, the teraphim, or image of divination; on the other side a stairway mounts to the roof. Above is the night, and vague lightning amid a moan of wind. During the act comes dawn.

Forward on a divan sits MIRIAM alone, in blind restlessness.

Forward on a divan sits MIRIAM alone, in blind restlessness.


[The wind passes. Adah enters from a chamber, rubbing her eyes.]

The wind passes. Adah enters from a chamber, rubbing her eyes.




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