MIRIAM SAUL MIRIAM SAUL MIRIAM SAUL MIRIAM With a cry. SAUL MIRIAM SAUL MIRIAM [Turning towards the teraphim amid wind and pallid lightning, and prostrating herself before it.] Turning towards the teraphim amid wind and pallid lightning, and prostrating herself before it. [She waits. Only the gust. Then springing up and stretching wide her arms with wild, blind eyes.] She waits. Only the gust. Then springing up and stretching wide her arms with wild, blind eyes. [An elemental cry is heard. Then vast wavering forms rise out of the earth, in continuous stream. Miriam, with a long curdling shriek, sinks moaning to her knees.] An elemental cry is heard. Then vast wavering forms rise out of the earth, in continuous stream. Miriam, with a long curdling shriek, sinks moaning to her knees. Miriam SAUL