Geoffrey Dearmer THE SINGING CARAVAN A SUFI TALE BY ROBERT VANSITTART NEW YORK GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY 1919 Printed in Great Britain [Pg vi] [Pg vi] IN MEMORIAM MY BROTHER ARNOLD 2nd Lieutenant, 11th Hussars KILLED IN ACTION NEAR YPRES MAY 1915 2nd Lieutenant, 11th Hussars πολύμητις [Pg viii] [Pg viii] I am indebted to Mr. Arthur Humphreys, Mr. John Murray, and the Editor of the Spectator for kind permission to reproduce a few of the shorter poems in this tale of Persian mystics. I have included them, firstly, because I wished otherwise new work, being a memorial, to include such fragments of the past as might be worth preserving; secondly, because decreasing leisure inspires a diffidence in the future that may justify me in asking a reader or a friend to judge or remember me only by "Foolery" and "The Singing Caravan." R. V.