ORGAN-GRINDER. Do you think so? Then ask for a new organ. Tell Him that this one is screeching. ANATHEMA. CONTENTS Compassionately. He might add that the monkey was eaten up by the fleas—that he needs a new monkey. CONTENTS He laughs. All look at him in perplexity; the organ-grinder rises and takes up his organ silently. SARAH. What do you want to do, musician? ORGAN-GRINDER. I want to play. SARAH. What for? We don't need any music. ORGAN-GRINDER. I must thank you for your kindness. CONTENTS He plays something weird: the organ screeches, breaks off, wheezes. Anathema, with eyes lifted dreamily to the sky, keeps time with his hand, and whistles. SARAH. My God, how badly it sounds.