CONTENTS Silence. DAVID. I have long forgiven him. ANATHEMA. And before he died he bequeathed all his fortune, amounting to two million dollars (to the people surrounding him), which means four million roubles,—to you, David Leizer. CONTENTS A deep sigh goes through the crowd and all seem as petrified. ANATHEMA. CONTENTS Outstretching the paper. Here is the document, you see—the seal. DAVID. CONTENTS Pushing the paper aside. No, don't! Don't do that! You were not sent by God. God would not make sport of man in this way. ANATHEMA. CONTENTS Heartily. This is not a jest. Upon my honor, it is the truth,—four millions. Allow me to be the first to congratulate you and to shake your honest hand warmly. (Takes David Leizer's hand and shakes it.) Well, madam Leizer, what have I brought you? And what will you say now? Is your daughter Rosa beautiful now or is she ugly? Aha! Are you going to die so soon, Naum? Aha! (Tearfully.) That's