The Tory Lover
questions.  'What's your view of Adam?' says they: 'what kind of a mon?' 'Well,' says the farmer, 'I think Adam was like Jack Simpson the horse trader. Varra few got anything by him, an' a mony lost.'"

The captain laughed gayly as if with a sense of proprietorship in the joke.  "T is old Scotland all over," he acknowledged, and then his face grew stern again.

The captain laughed gayly as if with a sense of proprietorship in the joke.  "T is old Scotland all over," he acknowledged, and then his face grew stern again.

"Your loud talkers are the gadflies that hurry the slowest oxen," he warned the little audience.  "And we have to remember that if those who would rob America of her liberties should still prevail, we all sit here with halters round our necks!"  Which caused the spirits of the company to sink so low that again the cheerful major tried to succor it.

"Your loud talkers are the gadflies that hurry the slowest oxen," he warned the little audience.  "And we have to remember that if those who would rob America of her liberties should still prevail, we all sit here with halters round our necks!"  Which caused the spirits of the company to sink so low that again the cheerful major tried to succor it.

"Shall we drink to The Ladies?" he suggested, with fine though unexpected courtesy; and they drank as if it were the first toast of the evening.

"Shall we drink to The Ladies?" he suggested, with fine though unexpected courtesy; and they drank as if it were the first toast of the evening.

"We are in the middle of a great war now, and must do the best we can," said Hamilton, as if he wished to make peace about his table.  "Last summer when things were at the darkest, Sam Adams came riding down to Exeter to plead with Mr. Gilman for money and troops on the part of their Rockingham towns. The Treasurer was away, and his wife saw Adams's great anxiety and the tears rolling down his cheeks, and heard him groan aloud as he paced to and fro in the room.  'O my God!' says he, 'and must we give it all up!'  When the good lady told me there were tears in her own eyes, and I vow that I was fired as I had never been before,—I have loved the man ever since; I called him a stirrer up of frenzies once, but it fell upon my heart that, after all, it is men like Sam Adams who hold us to our duty."

"We are in the middle of a great war now, and must do the best we can," said 
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