Fairview Boys and Their Rivals; or, Bob Bouncer's Schooldays
the rescue of their chum. The dog had caught and torn Frank’s sleeve. They beat him off with switches, but the animal was vicious and stubborn, and followed them up.

Just as they got through the gate and slammed it shut, Mr. Dolby appeared on the steps.

“Hi, there; what are you up to?” he shouted.

“I had a message for you, but your dog wouldn’t let me in,” said Frank.

“What’s your message?” asked the old man, surlily.

“My uncle says he will fix up your watch for you as good as new.”

“Who pays for it?”

“We have arranged for that.”

“All right, I’ll take it down to him this evening.”

Sammy was brushing the dirt from Frank’s clothing while this talk was going on.

“I’m a good deal mussed up,” said Frank.

“We won’t go into that yard again in a hurry,” said Bob.

Frank was smoothing down his coat. He happened to feel in his pockets to see if everything was safe.

“Hello!” he cried, suddenly.

“What’s the matter?” asked Bob.

“The key.”

“What about it?”



“It’s gone! You saw me put it in my pocket on our way here.”

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