Hawaiian Sea Hunt Mystery
“I’ll say it’s edible. Give me more.”

Everywhere one looked, Mahenili’s guests were devouring the food. Strange though some of it looked, no one could deny the food’s succulence. People were falling to as if they hadn’t eaten for days.

Biff took one final bite and sat back.

“Couldn’t eat another thing if I had to. Don’t think I’ll ever want to eat again.” He looked at his friend and smiled. “Mahalo, aikane. Thanks, friend.”

Biff’s attention was attracted by a Hawaiian, not in luau dress, but in business clothes, coming across the garden. He saw the man approach Mr. Mahenili.

“Who’s that?” Biff asked, nudging Li.

Li looked, and his face became serious.

“Golly. That’s Mr. Kapatka. I wonder what he’s doing here.”

“And just who, aikane, is Mr. Kapatka?” Biff asked.

“He’s the chief of the Honolulu police.”

CHAPTER IX Mysterious Message


“I’m sorry to interrupt your festivities,” Chief of Police Kapatka said to Mr. Mahenili.

“That’s all right, Kioni,” Li’s father replied courteously. “We’re at the end of our luau, and I know you’ve got your job to do. Just what is it? You have word of the missing Dr. Weber?”

“Well, the answer to that has to be both yes and no. Actually, I’m here to see one of your guests. You have a Mr. Thomas Brewster staying with you, do you not?”

“Why, yes, we do.”

“And his son?”

“Yes, Mr. Brewster and his family are staying with me on their visit to the islands.”

“I’d like to speak to them,” the chief requested.

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