Hawaiian Sea Hunt Mystery

If Li had flunked his first detective test, he more than redeemed himself on his second.

At the waterfront, the boys spotted several signs announcing boats for hire.

“Let me see if I can find a kamaaina,” Li suggested. “I could talk to him. He might even know my family, then I could find out a lot.”

“Go ahead, Li. Good idea. I’ll take a walk out on that dock and wait for you.”

Biff stood on the end of the pier, scaling small sea shells into the water. He could see Li going from place to place. At a nearby dock, Li took much longer than at the other places where he had inquired. Biff could see him talking to an old Hawaiian, bent of body, wearing a floppy sun hat. He saw Li look in his direction and signal for him to come over.

Proud excitement shone from Li’s face as Biff came up.

“I’ve got big news, Biff,” Li exclaimed. “This kamaaina has told me just what we want to know. He’s an old man, speaks no English, but he says he knew my father’s family many years ago.”

“Yes, but what about Perez Soto?”

“I’m coming to that. The oldtimer says he didn’t rent any boat last week, but at that dock up there—” Li pointed to a dock about one hundred feet down the shore—“a malihini—that means a newcomer—rented a big power boat about five days ago. He can’t remember the exact day. He’s old, I guess, and kind of forgetful. But he thinks it was on a Monday. That would be—”

Last Monday! That was the day Dr. Weber had disappeared!

“Good going, Li,” Biff exclaimed. “And you described Perez Soto?”

“I sure did. And the kamaaina says he thinks it was the same man. The man came to him, first, but he didn’t have any boat big enough to suit this man.”

“Well, Li, I think we’re getting somewhere. I want to try one more thing before we go back. I want to make sure I was being followed. I think it’s important to know if any of Perez Soto’s men are still in Hana.”

“Why would they be,” Li demanded, “if Perez Soto and the doctor are on the Big Island?”

“Don’t forget about Tokawto. I’m sure Perez Soto would want to know if Tokawto recovers enough to talk.”

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