And a querulous noise responded to our solicitous reprobations. For which things you will get a reward from me, Lygdamus? To say many things is equal to having a home. And the other woman “has not enticed me by her pretty manners, “She has caught me with herbaceous poison, she twiddles the spiked wheel of a rhombus, “She stews puffed frogs, snake’s bones, the moulded feathers of screech owls, “She binds me with ravvles of shrouds. “Black spiders spin in her bed! “Let her lovers snore at her in the morning! “May the gout cramp up her feet! “Does he like me to sleep here alone, Lygdamus? “Will he say nasty things at my funeral?” And you expect me to believe this after twelve months of discomfort? V 1 NOW if ever it is time to cleanse Helicon; N