Under the White Ensign: A Naval Story of the Great War
round directly we land, you know. Every man jack will offer his services as a guide, philosopher, and friend."

Apparently the fellow thought it worth while to take time by the forelock, since his interest in the British officers was reciprocated. Removing his hands from his pockets he came forward, and giving an elaborate sweep with his hat he tendered a dirty piece of pasteboard.

"My card, señores!" he exclaimed. "At your service. Show you everyzing in Algeciras. Blow me tight, I will."

The last sentence, of which he seemed particularly proud, had been picked up from a British Tommy. The Spaniard considered it to be the hall-mark of correct English.

Osborne took the proffered card. On it was printed: "Alfonzo y Guzman Perez, Qualified Guide and Interpreter".

"We don't require a guide," said Osborne.

Señor Perez smiled benignly.

"P'raps ze senores get into ze mischief wizout a Spanish caballero who through misfortune is obliged to accept ze monies for his services. You officers are from ze war-ship Paragon?"

"No, from the——" began Webb. Then he brought himself up with a round turn.

"From ze——?" repeated the Spaniard. But Tom was not to be caught napping a second time.

"Sorry, Señor Perez," interrupted Osborne firmly. "We don't want you. Nothing doing this trip."

The steamer was now making fast to the little pier. Without paying further attention to the over-attentive Spaniard the young officers landed, and, as Osborne had foretold, were surrounded by a mob of frantically gesticulating natives.

"Not much of a place," declared Webb. "Horribly dirty, in fact. Can't we get out into the country?"

"We could," replied his chum. "In fact we could give the steamer a miss on the return journey."


"By walking round the Bay and getting back to Gib. by means of the Neutral Ground. It's a tidy step, but we've heaps of time."

"Good idea!" declared Webb enthusiastically. "Let's get along out of this."

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