blue in the morning sunshine lay the sea. “How near is our new home to the ocean, Dad?” she asked eagerly. “There it is yonder.” Taking a hand briefly from the wheel, Mr. Carroll indicated a point some distance ahead and to the right where the red-tiled roof of a house showed in patches among the wealth of surrounding greenery. “Why, it’s only a little way from the sea!” Patsy cried out. “Not more than half a mile, I should judge.” “About three quarters,” corrected her father.[52] “The bathing beach is excellent and there’s an old boathouse, too.” [52] “Are there any boats?” was the quick question. “A couple of dinghys. Both leaky. I gave them to one of my black fellows. Old Fereda was evidently not a sea dog. The boathouse was full of odds and ends of rubbish. I had it cleared up and repainted inside and out. It will make you a good bath house. It’s a trim looking little shack now.” Presently rounding a curve in the white, ribbon-like road, the travelers found themselves again riding southward. To their left, picturesque masses of jungle sloped down to the ocean below. Soon to their right, however, a high iron fence appeared, running parallel with the road. It formed the eastern boundary of Las Golondrinas. Behind it lay the estate itself, stretching levelly toward the red-roofed house in the distance. Long neglected by its former owner, the once carefully kept lawns and hedges had put forth rank, jungle-like growth. Broad-fronded palms and palmettos drooped graceful leaves over seemingly impenetrable thickets of tangled green. Bush and hedge, once carefully pruned, now[53] flung forth riotous untamed masses of gorgeous bloom. [53] “It looks more like a wilderness than a private estate,” was Patsy’s opinion as her quick eyes roved from point to point in passing. “It looked a good deal more like a jungle a few weeks ago,” returned Mr. Carroll. “Wait until you pass the gates; then you’ll begin to notice a difference. The improvements my black boys have made don’t show from the road.” For a distance of half a mile, the car continued on the sandy highway. At