LUCY BELLE LUCY BELLE Jes’ a minute. Changin’ mah skirt. (Aunt Rebecca drops into a chair, Left Center, and begins a weird and doleful chant.) [13] [13] AUNT REBECCA AUNT REBECCA Um—a—um—a—um—a—um—a—um—a—um—a! Trouble in mah soul! Um—a—um—a—um—a—um—a—um—a—um—a! Trouble! (High treble) Um—a—um—a—um—a—um—a—um—a! Trouble in mah soul! Um—a—um—a—um—a—um—a—um—a! Trouble in mah soul! Um—a—um—a—um—a—um—a—um—a! (Lucy Belle enters, Left. She is a frail, light brown young Negress of about twenty-eight. She has a nervous, hesitant—and sometimes wistful—manner. She wears a plain black waist and a black skirt, patched in several places.) LUCY BELLE (feelingly, as she kisses Aunt Rebecca) LUCY BELLE Aun’ Becky! I’se so glad ter see yo’ agin! ’Deed I is! (Draws up a chair and sits near her.) AUNT REBECCA (affectionately) AUNT REBECCA Po’ful glad ter see yo’, honey! LUCY BELLE LUCY BELLE Seem like ole times—seein’ yo’! Lessee—how-some long yo’ all been ’way? AUNT REBECCA (reflectively)