Master and Maid
With the best will in the world those three prefects sat down again, and each one hastily helped himself to nuts, in spite of the fact that their host, far from seconding the newcomer's invitation, turned right round in his chair to look at the clock.

The concentrated and admiring gaze of three pairs of eyes did not in the smallest degree disconcert her. She was manifestly and perfectly at her ease. Not so her host; he looked distinctly worried and perturbed, though he hastened to ring the bell and order some dinner for his evidently unexpected guest. Then he sat down and poured her out a glass of claret.

The concentrated and admiring gaze of three pairs of eyes did not in the smallest degree disconcert her. She was manifestly and perfectly at her ease. Not so her host; he looked distinctly worried and perturbed, though he hastened to ring the bell and order some dinner for his evidently unexpected guest. Then he sat down and poured her out a glass of claret.

"Child, have you come straight from Kerry?" he asked.

"Child, have you come straight from Kerry?" he asked.

"I left home yesterday afternoon and crossed at night, and I seem to have been travelling ever since."

"I left home yesterday afternoon and crossed at night, and I seem to have been travelling ever since."

"By yourself?" Tony asked anxiously.

"By yourself?" Tony asked anxiously.

"The Beamishes met me at Chester, and I had a bath and luncheon at their house, and afterwards we drove round the city. Oh! here's my dinner, and it's thankful I am to see it. How nice of you not to have eaten all the duck!"

"The Beamishes met me at Chester, and I had a bath and luncheon at their house, and afterwards we drove round the city. Oh! here's my dinner, and it's thankful I am to see it. How nice of you not to have eaten all the duck!"

Again she included all the company in her charming smile, and the senior prefect helped himself anew to nuts.

Again she included all the company in her charming smile, and the senior prefect helped himself anew to nuts.

"You're very quiet, Tony," she said, turning to her host; "not a patch upon Val in your welcome. Am I in the 
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