In Queer Street
had great difficulty in getting money after your father's death?"     

       "That is so. I had to earn every penny."     

       "Strange, when he had a sufficient income to keep him comfortable."     

       "That was an annuity. He told me so shortly before he died."     

       "And told you that the papers with your lawyers would place you in possession of money?"     

       "No." Hench shook his head. "He never even hinted at such a thing."     

       Madame Alpenny nursed her pointed chin and frowned at the carpet. "I am sure there is money," she mused, loud enough for the young man to overhear. "Your father gave you no profession or trade with which to earn money, and it is not likely that he would have behaved so unless he knew that the future held a fortune in store for you."     

       Hench's lip curled. "I am sorry to destroy any illusion about my father," he said with a shrug; "but I don't think he cared two       straws about my future."     

       "Then why should he tell you about the papers?" asked Madame, as sharp as a needle. "Believe me, those papers refer to a fortune."     

       "Well"--Hench rose and stretched himself--"I shall know all about that when I see the lawyers on the tenth of July."     

       "Or when you meet this unknown person in Essex on the first of July."     

       "I am not going to meet the person," said Hench coldly; "and I have given my reasons for not meeting him."     

       "Him!" Madame Alpenny laughed. "It may be a woman, for all you know."     

       Hench wheeled round to face her searchingly. "Why do you think it is a woman?"     

       "Oh," she answered smoothly, "I only surmise. I don't say that the person is a woman, for I know no more about the matter than you do. All I do say is, that if you wish to marry my daughter you will have to learn about this fortune as quickly as possible. I hope that I have managed to get an engagement for Zara in the West End, 
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