Jonah's Luck
of 'em will be in time to save my Rachel," said Kind with a sigh. "Lor, what a go it will be if I lose her. She's been the sun and the moon to yours truly for years."

Pope sniggered.

"If you're in such a hurry," he said in an unkindly tone, "ask Mr. Herries to see your wife. Mr. Gowrie told me that he is a doctor, and he's on the spot."

Elspeth's pale cheeks flamed, and she clasped her hands.

"Oh!" she cried, passionately, "do you think the police would let him go and see Mrs. Kind."

"Not much," snapped Pope and giggled. "He's got to see Old Ketch."

"Young man," said Sweetlips sternly, "I've knocked down a cove for speaking more politely than you do. Not so much of it, do you hear?"

Pope did hear, and being a rank coward, changed colour. After an uneasy attempt to assert his dignity, he was quelled by the Cheap-jack's stern eye, and moved away hurriedly in response to an imaginary call. Kind turned to Elspeth, who was thinking.

"If them two doctors don't come," said he slowly, "an' the police won't let this chap, as is accused, see the missus, she's a deader."

Elspeth covered her face for a moment and thought. "Where is your caravan?" she asked hurriedly.

Sweetlips pointed a careless thumb over his right shoulder.

"Just outside the village," he replied, "come, an' let us see the Inspector chap. He might listen to me, and let Mr. Herries come to see the poor missus."

"I fear not, Sweetlips, you don't know the police."

"Don't I, my girl," Kind gave a conscious laugh. "I know them better than I do myself, but quite in an honest way, mind you. I've been other things than a Cheap-jack in my time. But the missus, the missus," he said impatiently, "while I'm talking, she's dying. Come and see her, Elspeth."

The girl stood irresolute. She thought of Mrs. Narby's temper, and of Mrs. Narby's heavy fist, of Herries upstairs in danger of his life, and finally of the poor woman dying in the caravan. Some angel passing must have whispered courage to her at the moment, for suddenly her cheeks flushed a brave red, her eyes sparkled, and her mouth grew firm.

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