The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter
Dollies' house! 




                [For the Real Little Lucie of Newlands] 

                Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lucie, who lived at a farm called Little-town. She was a good little girl—only she was always losing her pocket-handkerchiefs! One day little Lucie came into the farm-yard crying—oh, she did cry so!                "I've lost my pocket-handkin! Three handkins and a pinny! Have YOU seen them, Tabby Kitten?"                 The Kitten went on washing her white paws; so Lucie asked a speckled hen—                 "Sally Henny-penny, have YOU found three pocket-handkins?"                 But the speckled hen ran into a barn, clucking—                 "I go barefoot, barefoot, barefoot!"                 And then Lucie asked Cock Robin sitting on a twig. Cock Robin looked sideways at Lucie with his bright black eye, and he flew over a stile and away. Lucie climbed upon the stile and looked up at the hill behind Little-                town—a hill that goes up—up—into the clouds as though it had no top! And a great way up the hillside she thought she saw some white things spread upon the grass. 

                Lucie scrambled up the hill as fast as her short legs would carry her; she ran along a steep path-way—up and up—until Little-town was right away down below—she could have dropped a pebble down the chimney! Presently she came to a spring, bubbling out from the hillside. Some one had stood a tin can upon a stone to catch the water—but the water was already running over, for the can was no bigger than an egg-                cup! And where the sand upon the path was wet—there were footmarks            
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