The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter
bought the muffins. Then she went home. There seemed to be a sort of scuffling noise in the back passage, as she was coming in at the front door. But there was nobody there. Duchess in the meantime, had slipped out at the back door.                 "It is a very odd thing that Ribby's pie was NOT in the oven when I put mine in! And I can't find it anywhere; I have looked all over the house. I put MY pie into a nice hot oven at the top. I could not turn any of the other handles; I think that they are all shams," said Duchess, "but I wish I could have removed the pie made of mouse! I cannot think what she has done with it? I heard Ribby coming and I had to run out by the back door!" 

                Duchess went home and brushed her beautiful black coat; and then she picked a bunch of flowers in her garden as a present for Ribby; and passed the time until the clock struck four. Ribby—having assured herself by careful search that there was really no                one hiding in the cupboard or in the larder—went upstairs to change her dress. She came downstairs again, and made the tea, and put the teapot on the hob. She peeped again into the BOTTOM oven, the pie had become a lovely brown, and it was steaming hot. She sat down before the fire to wait for the little dog. "I am glad I used the BOTTOM oven," said Ribby, "the top one would certainly have been very much too hot."                 Very punctually at four o'clock, Duchess started to go to the party.                 At a quarter past four to the minute, there came a most genteel little tap-tappity.                "Is Mrs. Ribston at home?" inquired Duchess in the porch. 

                "Come in! and how do you do, my dear Duchess?" cried Ribby. "I hope I see you well?"                 "Quite well, I thank you, and how do YOU do, my dear Ribby?" said Duchess. "I've brought you some flowers; what a delicious smell of pie!"                 "Oh, what lovely flowers! Yes, it is mouse and bacon!"                 "I think it wants another five 
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