and then to save China.” “But Than Shwe,”—a blonde WAC addressed the native girl, “Why were there so very few of you? Why not a whole army?” At this Gale Janes turned her chair around to join the circle. “Oh, yes! But no! It was impossible.” Than Shwe spread her small hands wide. “It was a great distance. There are rivers and mountains. Oh! It was very bad! And we must go fast. Armies, they move very slow. Always there were the Japs. If we meet the Japs by the river or on the mountain, then we are through, finished, all gone, and the colonel he would be gone too, and that would be very bad, for he is a very great man.” “Oh! But yes, it was funny!” The native girl was bubbling over again. “It was—how do you say it? A scream. Yes, it was a scream. We had not much to eat. We were cold and we were sometimes very wet, but you should have seen. “For days we waded down that river. Then it got very big. So we made rafts. We girls wove bamboo mats and put them on poles to keep off the sun and the rain. And Bill, he rode on our raft.” “Bill? Who was Bill?” someone asked. “Bill? Oh, yes! He was a reporter, you know, he writes all about the war.” “But why should he ride on your raft?” the girl with a very long face asked. “Oh, yes! Some man must go on our raft,” the native girl went on. “So Bill, he goes. This raft goes this way, then that way, then it hits rocks. Bill, he must push with a pole. This way—that way—make the raft go straight. “Sometimes Bill, he gets very wet. Then he is cold. So he puts on Etta’s longyi. Etta, she is large. I am very small. Oh, yes! It was a scream. Three days we are on that raft. But I talk too much. I tell you too many things. I not talk so much. Three days we ride on that raft. Then we are there.” “Where?” Gale asked. “I don’t know.” “You don’t know!” one of the girls exclaimed. “Didn’t you have a map?” “I? No. I do not need a map. The colonel, he has the map. I go where colonel go. Always! Always!” Than Shwe, the native girl, threw back her small head and laughed. “And now we are going back. Sooner than you think, we go. And next time we don’t come back walking, wading, barefoot.