kind. For a space of seconds Gale said nothing. Then she managed her slow drawl again: “Oh yes! Radar?” “The bomber came down close to the gun that fired the shot.” Cora gave Gale a searching look. “Oh dear! I hope none of our group was mixed up in that.” “Mixed up in a falling bomber?” Gale exclaimed. “Goodness yes! She might get hurt!” “That’s not what I mean!” Cora dropped her purr. “You know as well as I do that some of the WACS have been trained in the use of radar. And you know also that we are not supposed to be in places of extreme danger!” “Oh dear, no!” Gale drawled. “We’re ladies, all of us. And ladies don’t go in for rough stuff. They don’t even swear.” That was a blow under the belt. Cora recoiled. But in a moment she was purring again. “Dearie, could you tell me a little about radar? How does it work? How can it help bring down a bomber?” “What’s this?” Gale asked herself. “Is she a spy?” To Cora she said, “No, I can’t tell you a thing. Radar’s been written up in a magazine—Life, I think. All that is to be known by common, everyday folks is written down there. The librarian can find the copy for you.” At that she took up her own magazine. The interview was ended, but she did not yet know how much Cora knew about the affair and would not for worlds have asked. “I’ll be sent back to America,” she told herself. Well, at least she had experienced one thrill, and that was a lot more than a girl like Cora would ever know. At that she began again, rather sadly reviewing her past. What appeared to be the death blow to her fond hope of having what she considered to be a real part, a part filled with thrills and danger in a real war, had come shortly after her landing in India. A large group of WACS had been gathered in a USO recreation hall. There they had been assured in a lengthy and rather severe speech by a fellow WAC who had been a matron in a girls’ school that under no circumstances would they be asked, or allowed, to enter the field of actual battle. That, in fact, India was their ultimate destination, and that they had arrived. “Well, what do you want?” a prim little gremlin