Secrets of Radar
must let me go with you on your march back to victory!’”

She closed her eyes for a moment and fell over a stone, nearly cracking a kneecap. She had been seeing Sheridan on his black charger shouting to his men, “Turn boys! We’re going back!”

“Turn boys! We’re going back!” she exclaimed as she picked herself up.

“Why?” Isabelle stared. “Why should we turn back? Look. There’s light at the end of the trail. I’m dying to see what’s up there.”

“Light at the end of the trail,” murmured Gale. “Oh! Oh! Yes—by all means, let’s go on. I—I must have been dreaming.”

“I’ll say you were!” Isabelle exclaimed.

Hurrying forward they at last burst out into a little world all aglow with golden sunset. Just before them were beds of flowers—such flowers as they had never before dreamed of—flowers and tall graceful palm trees. Back of all this was a temple. It was not large, but set as it was, a mass of red stone in the midst of a gorgeous garden of flowers, and contrasting so strangely with the shadows that lay behind them, it set the two girls back on their heels.

“Isabelle!” Gale murmured softly. “Did you ever see anything more wonderful?”

“Never!” Isabelle replied in a hoarse whisper.

“Do people fight wars to defend their temples?” Gale asked.

“Perhaps,” was the solemn reply.

Even as they stood there entranced, the light of day began to flicker and go out. As if they had been a thousand bright lamps, all alight, the flowers lost their brightness. As if loathe to leave it, the sunlight lingered for a moment on the dome of the temple. Then, all of a sudden, all was in shadow.

“Come on,” Isabelle whispered. “We must see this.”

Together they hurried along the path of red gravel leading to the temple door, and as they hurried, there came the melodious ringing of many temple bells.

The temple door was open. At first, the large room that in the shadows appeared vast and endless, seemed entirely dark and deserted. A closer look showed a single red light burning before the shadowy figure of a Buddha that even in this faint light appeared to smile.

“Come on.” Isabelle 
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