sensible question for a kid,” [Pg 66]observed Jack, approvingly. “He vows that the whole affair will end the instant the Kwantu ju-ju men receive back their fetish. He, and a few leading bushmen, some of whom have been educated in England, remember, have restrained the mutiny by a solemn undertaking to bring the god home before the spring rains begin. They have offered Schwartz all the money they can scrape together if he will only give it up, but he laughs at them and defies them.”

[Pg 66]

“He didn’t seem to laugh last night,” put in Minkie.

“Do you believe he has really lost it?”

“Oh yes. I am quite sure of that?” and she felt in her pocket absent-mindedly.

“Well, I am at my wits’ end to decide how to act. Prince John is equally certain that Schwartz has recovered it. When Dan brought him down, a small bag in which he had placed the ju-ju was knocked out of his hand, and it must, therefore, be in Holly Lodge somewhere. The negro is a determined man, and there is a look in his eyes which I have seen in a Pathan’s when—Well, [Pg 67]no matter. If your father will not meet me he will at least read a letter. Now, Minkie, it will soon be too dark to find anything among the bushes—”

[Pg 67]

“Rats!” cried Minkie, so sharply that I jumped, thinking she meant it. “You’ve got six months’ furlough, so you’ll meet Dot often enough. Please go on. What does Prince John intend to do next?”

“He may endeavor to burgle your house. He will kill Schwartz if need be. He will certainly kill Dan.”

Oh, indeed! I pricked up my ears at this. What between the nigger and the mongoose I’m in for a lively time. Nobody is going to be happy until I am cold meat.

“But they will put him in gaol if he tries burglary?” said Minkie, who was unmoved by the prospect of my early death.

“He says that Schwartz simply dare not face him in a court of law.”

“It is our house, you know?”

Captain Stanhope sighed perplexedly. He was a man, discussing hard things with two girls. Minkie gave me a look as much [Pg 68]as to say “Don’t miss a word of this,” and went on:

[Pg 68]

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