her eye, because she and Schwartz were looking straight at each other.

“After the affair last night I read about ju-jus and fetishism in the Encyclopædia,” she said. “That was very interesting, but I really had in my mind what Jack—I mean Captain Stanhope—told me to-day. Prince John assures him that if the ju-ju you took from his people is not sent back before the spring rains there will be a rebellion in that country. So I felt certain it must be a monkey-headed one, made of ivory, with a little [Pg 82]beaded skirt, as that is the most powerful ju-ju known among the Kwantus.”

[Pg 82]

I wonder Schwartz did not leap at her there and then. His eyes positively glittered. He exercised all his powers to regain his self-control, but his hands shook, and there was a curious tremor in his voice.

“This information is, indeed, valuable to me,” he said, dropping his tone to the ordinary level again. “No, I beg of you, Grosvenor, let Millicent continue. Do I gather that Captain Stanhope is in league with the negro thief who made his way to my room last night?”

“Did I say that?” inquired Minkie, smiling at Schwartz in a way that those who knew her dreaded.

“You implied it. Evidently your military friend enjoys Prince John’s confidence.”

“Oh, if you put it that way you are right. Prince John is staying at the Manor House and Captain Stanhope is using his influence to keep him quiet.”

“He told you that.”

“And I believe him.”

[Pg 83]

[Pg 83]

“Did he actually describe the ju-ju to you?”


“Then how are you able to hit off its appearance so exactly?”

“Because I’m a good guesser. Isn’t that so, father dear?”

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