vary, depending upon the individual's classification and the location in which he lives. In addition to his special duties, however, every citizen is required to know and observe the five GENERAL DUTIES of a citizen, listed below.


1. Every citizen will work at his appointed task one-third of each day.

2. Every citizen will perform those duties necessary to maintain his sleeping area in such a manner as to comply with the directives posted in his barracks.

3. Every citizen (male) will father/ (female) will bear a child once every alternate cycle.

4. Every citizen will report promptly when notified of special duty (e.g. waste disposal detail, sewer maintenance crew, restorative squad).

5. Every citizen will report to his extermination center immediately upon notification. (See Note)

(Note: Certain measures are necessary to prevent the over-population of a peaceful world. In addition to the obvious elimination of the incurably sick, the insane, the feeble-minded, the disabled, the dishonest, and the aged, periodic exterminations must be held among the general citizenry.

Citizens who have been selected will report promptly to the appointed center for speedy, painless extermination. Failure to do so will result in a delayed and painful process.)

Now we bid you welcome, Earthmen. Take your rightful place beside us and share our peaceful existence. By your endless struggles through a long heritage of war, you have earned it.

(signed) SER GULLA Sup. AC Rios Adm.

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