Wedding Day


Some folks say a good wife is a composite of many things. And sometimes a girl finds it tough. But with the ratio of the sexes drastically changed....

[Transcriber's Note: This etext was produced from Worlds of If Science Fiction, January 1955. Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.]

At breakfast Polly and June had an argument over the coffee. Polly had brewed it. June thought it was too strong. Doris and Sue stayed out of the argument at first.

Polly defended, "Sure, it's a little stronger, but men like it strong. You might as well get used to it."

June said, "See here, he's got to make some concessions. After all, why should four of us suffer—"

"Suffer? You call being married to Hollis Jamison suffering?"

"Don't be so impressed. He's not doing badly marrying us, either. He could do a lot worse."

"Why, you vain witch! Just because you play a fair game of chess—"

"Oh, I'm not taking all the credit. You're a fine cook, Doris is witty and Sue's body would make any man's mouth water—but that's just the point! Look what he's getting! Why should we have to change all our habits and tastes to conform with his?"

Now Doris entered the argument. "You know darn well why! It's still a man's world and a man's choice. Back when there was a man for practically every woman, it was different. But it's five women to one man right now—don't ever forget that—five to one, and so far the law only requires a quadracell. Just be grateful you aren't the one who's left out. You and your chess-playing! How far would you get attracting a man, all by yourself?"

"Shhh, now, all of you," Sue broke into the telepathic conversation. "Let's clear the dishes and get the apartment straightened up. Hollis did make one concession—moving in with us, instead of making us live in that dismal bachelor's hole of his. Let's not make him regret it."

They heeded Sue and got busy. Sue was the arbiter. She ruled the quartet with a gentle but confident mind. All four knew that her lithe, athletic body with its soft curves and 
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