The Island Camp

 "Whatever is it, mother?" asked Robin anxiously. 

 For Mrs. Vaughan's face was quite pale with worry as she stood on the bank while they rowed towards her.  "Don't pull right in," she said. "Though I suppose it doesn't matter out of doors. It's——  Better not, perhaps, under the circumstances. Stay there—on the water, and I'll talk to you from here." 

 "Why! What—ever——!"  The eyes of the three grew large and round. Then an awful idea struck Peter.  "Mother, you don't mean to say that anything's happened. You talk as though we'd got the Plague! Whatever is it?"  He racked his brain to think of some possible horror.  "Well, it isn't that the Lennoxes have wired to say that they can't come, for, if so——!" 

 "It's—worse."  Mrs. Vaughan laughed ruefully.  "One of them has arrived. It's—Dick; but—oh, he's covered with spots! Came out in the train, so he says; and, poor boy, he's feeling pretty bad, I think. It's certain to be something infectious, particularly as Donald—so Dick says—has been kept at home for a day or two, because this morning he woke up with a terrible headache, and wasn't well enough to travel." 

 "Measles!  Well, we've had them!" said 

 Robin hopefully. 

 "So have they. I greatly fear that it's scarlet fever. The poor boy is terribly annoyed with himself for coming, but how could they think of such a thing as scarlet fever? No; I pity his mother—so far away—as much as I pity myself. I've sent for Dr. Greig, and, in the meantime, you had better all three stay over on the Island for tea. Get Gardener's wife to give you some, and explain to her. I'm so sorry, dears, that all this has just happened when you had planned such a happy time." 

 "Sorry for us! It's you—and Dick, of course," said Robin.  "Cheero, mother; let us help. Scouts know all about First Aid!" 

 "So do Guides," added Jan quickly. 

 "First Aid is not needed for scarlet fever. None of you have had it, you know; and there's your exam. ahead, Robin. You can't run risks. No, I only called you to tell you; for you must keep out of the way till the Doctor's told me definitely what it is. I'll blow the horn again as soon as I've news."  Their mother waved her hand and was gone. 

 "Wheww!" said Robin; and they rowed in silence to the 
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