The Monk: A Romance
and your humble Servant, thinks proper to bring her holy flock to confession in the Dusk: She is to be admitted into the Abbey Chapel by yon private door. The Porteress of St. Clare, who is a worthy old Soul and a particular Friend of mine, has just assured me of their being here in a few moments. There is news for you, you Rogue! We shall see some of the prettiest faces in Madrid!" "In truth, Christoval, we shall do no such thing. The Nuns are always veiled." "No! No! I know better. On entering a place of worship, they ever take off their veils from respect to the Saint to whom 'tis dedicated. But Hark! They are coming! Silence, silence! Observe, and be convinced." "Good!" said Lorenzo to himself; "I may possibly discover to whom the vows are addressed of this mysterious Stranger." Scarcely had Don Christoval ceased to speak, when the Domina of St. Clare appeared, followed by a long procession of Nuns. Each upon entering the Church took off her veil. The Prioress crossed her hands upon her bosom, and made a profound reverence as She passed the Statue of St. Francis, the Patron of this Cathedral. The Nuns followed her example, and several moved onwards without having satisfied Lorenzo's curiosity. He almost began to despair of seeing the mystery cleared up, when in paying her respects to St. Francis, one of the Nuns happened to drop her Rosary. As She stooped to pick it up, the light flashed full upon her face. At the same moment She dexterously removed the letter from beneath the Image, placed it in her bosom, and hastened to resume her rank in the procession. "Ha!" said Christoval in a low voice; "Here we have some little Intrigue, no doubt." "Agnes, by heaven!" cried Lorenzo. "What, your Sister? Diavolo! Then somebody, I suppose, will have to pay for our peeping." "And shall pay for it without delay," replied the incensed Brother. The pious procession had now entered the Abbey; The Door was already closed upon it. The Unknown immediately quitted his concealment and hastened to leave the Church: Ere He could effect his intention, He descried Medina stationed in his passage. The Stranger hastily retreated, and drew his Hat over his eyes. "Attempt not to fly me!" exclaimed Lorenzo; "I will know who you are, and what were the contents of that Letter." "Of that Letter?" repeated the Unknown. "And by what title do you ask the question?"“By a title of which I am now ashamed; But it becomes not you to question me. Either reply circumstantially to my demands, or answer me with your Sword.”

“The latter method will be the shortest,” rejoined the Other, drawing his Rapier; “Come on, Segnor Bravo! I am ready!”

Burning with rage, Lorenzo hastened to the attack: The 
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