Their curses came to his ears like little twittering cries. TOGETHER. Whenever he moored at an island for water or food or rest, Soon those wraiths of the dead would rise and bid him begone, To harry the resting gannet out of the roller’s crest, And carry the curse of his soul to the unknown, on and on. FOURTH CHORUS MOON-BLOSSOM. In the grey of morning When the stars were paling, Nireus sailing, Saw land ahead. An island shining With city towers, Where bells were ringing And men singing. ROSE-FLOWER. As Nireus stepped ashore there He stood staring, For all men there Were the dead of the war: The Greeks and Trojans, Beautiful and swift, Killed in the trampled tamarisks Beneath Troy town. MOON-BLOSSOM. Stars were in their hair, Their brows were crowned with violets, They stepped like stags, Comrade with comrade. They had forgotten The mud and death, The heat and flies Of the plain of Troy. ROSE-FLOWER. There among them