A King's Daughter: A Tragedy in Verse
For after all she was a King’s daughter.
[_Exit_ PHARMAS.

JEHU (_sings_). Oh, out in the desert my bow and my spear
Shall win me whatever I need,
Another man’s tent, and another man’s gear,
And another man’s...
Fill me more wine. Go to the window yonder.
Halt. As you were. I’ll go myself. You, fellow.
You fellow, there. Is the Queen’s body there?
What does he say?

ASHOBAL. He says that the wild dogs have torn the body.

JEHU. Good enough end and fitting burial for her.
Now I have sacrifice to do to Baal.
By God, a lusty sacrifice! By God,
These damned idolaters shall learn the truth!
None of your knives on me.
[_Goes out._]
[_The_ SERVANTS _and_ MEN _go out._]

_Enter_ MICAIAH (_from in front._)

MICAIAH. She was too good a woman to be Queen
In such a land as this, at such a time.
Would she had gone! Her women have escaped.
And I am freed from prison by the rabble.

Wisdom is gone from the city,
The killer alone is obeyed,
A man without law, without pity,
Who was fed by the King he betrayed.
The debt that was owing is paid,
By a new deed of murder that cries
To the gods who are Kings in the skies.
Though the ways of the gods are most wise,
They are dark, they make me afraid.

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