vs, and taste our cheere. Sit to the banquet. Sit downe, young prince, you are our second guest; Brother, sit downe; and nephew, take your placel Signior Horatio, waite thou vpon our cup, For well thou hast deserued to be honored. Now, lordings, fall too: Spaine is Portugall, And Portugall is Spaine; we both are freends; Tribute is paid, and we enioy our right. But where is olde Hieronimo, our marhsall? He promised vs, in honor of our guest, To grace our banquet with some pompous iest. Enter HIERONIMO with a DRUM, three KNIGHTS, each with scutchin; then he fethces three KINGS; they take their crownes and them captiue. Hieronimo, this makes contents mine eie, Although I sound well not the misterie. HIERO. The first arm'd knight that hung his scutchin vp He takes the scutchin ahd giues it to the KING. Was English Robert, Earle of Glocester, Who, when King Stephen bore sway in Albion, Arriued with fiue and twenty thousand men In Portingale, and, by successe of warre, Enforced the king, then but a Sarasin, To beare the yoake of the English monarchie. KING. My lord of Portingale, by this you see That which may comfort both your king and you, And make your late discomfort seeme the lesse. But say, Hieronimo: what was the next? HIERO. The second knight that hung his scutchin vp He doth as he did before. Was Edmond, Earle of Kent in Albion. When English Richard wore the diadem, He came likewise and razed Lisbon walles, And tooke the king of Portingale in fight,— For which, and other suche seruice done, He after was created Duke of Yorke. KING. This is another speciall argument That Portingale may daine to beare our yoake, When it by little England hath beene yoakt. But now, Hieronimo, what were the last? HIERO. The third and last, not least in our account, Dooing as before. Was, as the rest, a valiant Englishman, Braue Iohn of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancaster, As by his scuthcin plainely may appeare: He with a puissant armie came to Spaine And tooke our Kinge of Castille prisoner. EMBASS. This is an argument for our viceroy That Spaine may not insult for her successe, Since English warriours likewise conquered Spaine And made them bow their knees to Albion. KING. Hieronimo, I drinke to thee for this deuice, Which hath pleasde both the embassador and me: Pledge me, Hieronimo, if thou loue the king! Takes the cup of HORATIO. My lord, I feare we sit but ouer-long, Vnlesse our dainties were more delicate,—