The Spanish Tragedie
those vnquenched fiers Of Phlegiton prepared for his soule. ALEX. My guiltles death will be aueng'd on thee! On thee, Villuppo, that hath malisde thus, Or for thy meed hast falsely me accusde! VIL. Nay, Alexandro, if thou menace me, Ile lend a hand to send thee to the lake Where those thy words shall perish with thy workes, Iniurious traitour, monstrous homicide! Enter EMBASSADOUR.    [EM.]  Stay! hold a-while! and heer, with pardon of His Maiestie, lay hands vpon Villuppo! VICE. Embassadour, what newes nath vrg'd this sodain entrance? EM. Know, soueraigne l[ord], that Balthazar doth liue. VICE. What saiest thou? liueth Balthazar, our sonne? EM. Your Highnes sonne, L[ord] Balthazar doth liue, And, well intreated in the court of Spaine, Humbly commends him to your Maiestie. These eies beheld; and these my followers, With these, the letters of the kings commend, Giues him letters Are happie witnesses of his Highnes health. The KING lookes on the letters, and proceeds. VICE. [reads]  "Thy sonne doth liue; your tribute is receiu'd; Thy peace is made, and we are satisfied. The rest resolue vpon as things proposde For both our honors and they benefite."    EM. These are his Highnes farther articles. He giues him more letters. VICE. Accursed wrech to intimate these ills Against the life and reputation Of noble Alexandro! come, my lord, vnbinde him!     [To ALEXANDRO]  Let him vnbinde thee that is bounde to death, To make a quitall for thy discontent. They vnbinde him. ALEX. Dread lord, in kindnes you could do no lesse, Vpon report of such a damned fact; But thus we see our innocence hath sau'd The hopeles like which thou, Villuppo, sought By thy suggestions to haue massacred. VICE. Say, false Villuppo, wherefore didst thou thus Falsely betray Lord Alexandros life? Him whom thou knowest that no vnkindenes els But euen the slaughter of our deerest sonne Could once haue moued vs to haue misconceaued. ALEX. Say, trecherous Villuppo; tell the King! Or wherein hath Alexandro vsed thee ill? VIL. Rent with remembrance of so foule a deed, My guiltie soule submits me to thy doome, For, not for Alexandros iniuries, But for reward and hope to be preferd, Thus haue I shamelesly hazarded his life. VICE. Which, villaine, shalbe ransomed with thy death, And not so meane a torment as we heere Deuised for him who thou saidst slew our sonne, But with the bitterest torments and extreames That may be yet inuented for thine end. ALEX[ANDRO] seemes to intreat. Intreat me 
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