therefore will by circumstances trie What I can gather to confirme this writ, And, [harken] neere the Duke of Castiles house, Close if I can with Belimperia, To listen more, but nothing to bewray. Enter PEDRINGANO. Now, Predringano! PED. Now, Hieronimo! HIERO. Wheres thy lady? PED. I know not; heers my lord. Enter LORENZO. LOR. How now, whose this? Hieronimo? HIERO. My lord. PED. He asketh me for my lady Bel-imperia. LOR. What to doo, Hieronimo? Vse me. [Dialogue from the undated and the 'A' manuscript.] HIERO. Oh, no, my lord, I dare not, it must not be; I humbly thank your lordship. [End of insertion.] [Dialogue from the 1618, 1623, and 1633 editions.] HIERO. Who? You, my lord? I reserue your favour for a greater honour; This is a very toy, my lord, a toy. LOR. All's one, Hieronimo; acquaint me with it. HIERO. Y faith, my lord, tis an idle thing. I must confesse I ha bin too slacke, too tardy, To remisse vnto your Honour. LOR. How now, Hieronimo? HIERO. In troth, my lord, it is a thing of nothing: The murder of a sonne or so, my lord,— A thing of nothing. [End of insertion.] LOR. Why then, farewell! HIERO. My griefe in hart, my thoughts no tung can tell. Exit. LOR. Come hither, Pedringano; seest thou this? PED. My lord, I see it, and suspect it too. LOR. This is that damned villain Serberine, That hath, I feare, reuealde Horatios death. PED. My lord, he could not; twas so lately done, And since he hath not left my company. LOR. Admit he haue not; his conditions such As feare or flattering words may make him false. I know his humour, and there-with repent That ere I vsde him in this enterprise. But, Pedringano, to preuent the worst, And cause I know thee secret as my soule, Heere, for thy further satisfaction, take thou this! Giues him more golde. And harken to me; thus it is deuisde: This night thou must—and prithee so resoule— Meet Serberine at St. Luigis Parke,— Thou knowest tis heere hard by behinde the house; There take thy stand, and see thou strike him sure, For dye he must, if we do meane to liue. PED. But how