By force of windie sighes thy spirit breathes; And all this sorrow riseth for thy sonne, And selfe-same sorrow feele I for my sonne. Come in, old man; thou shalt to Izabell. Leane on my arme; I thee, thou me shalt stay; And thou and I and she will sing a song, Three parts in one, but all of discords fram'd,— Talke not of cords!—but let vs now be gone,— For with a cord Horatio was slaine. Exeunt. [ACT III. SCENE 14.] [The Spanish court.] Enter KING OF SPAINE, the DUKE, VICE-ROY, and LORENZO, BALTHAZAR, DON PEDRO, and BELIMPERIA. KING. Go, brother, it is the Duke of Castiles cause; Salute the vice-roy in our name. CASTILE. I go. VICE. Go forth, Don Pedro, for they nephews sake, And greet the Duke of Castile. PEDRO. It shall be so. KING. And now to meet these Portaguise; For, as we now are, so sometimes were these, Kings and commanders of the westerne Indies. Welcome, braue vice-roy, to the court of Spaine! And welcome, all his honorable traine! Tis not vnknowne to vs for why you come, Or haue so kingly crost the seas. Suffiseth it, in this we note the troth And more then common loue you lend to vs. So is it that mine honorable neece, For it beseemes vs now that it be knowne, Already is betroth'd to Balthazar; And, by appointment and our condiscent, To-morrow are they to be married. To this intent we entertaine thy-selfe, Thy followers, their pleasure, and our peace. Speak, men of Portingale, shall it be so? If I, say so; if not, say so flatly. VICE. Renowned king, I come not, as thou thinkst, With doubtfull followers, vnresolued men, But such as haue vpon thine articles Confirmed thy motion and contented me. Know, soueraigne, I come to solemnize The marriage of they beloued neece, Faire Bel-imperia, with my Balthazar,— With thee, my sonne, whom sith I liue to see, Heere, take my crowne, I giue it to her and thee, And let me liue a solitarie life, In ceaseless praiers, To think how strangely heauen hath thee preserued. KING. See, brother, see, how nature striues in him! Come, worthy vice-roy, and accompany They freend, [to strive] with thine extremities: A place more priuate fits this princely mood. VICE. Or heere or where your Highnes thinks it good. Exeunt all but CAST[TILE] and LOR[ENZO]. CAS. Nay, stay, Lorenzo; let me talke with you. Seest thou this entertainement