The Teenie Weenies in the Wildwood
could we?” asked the Old Soldier.

“No, sir, I don’t think so,” answered the Turk, “for I do not believe anyone could possibly get through the grass and trees.”

“Well, that’s too bad,” muttered the General. “I wanted to get those wild men out of that place with as little trouble as possible, but it looks as though we would have to take their fort by storm.”

All the Teenie Weenie officers gathered in the General’s tent listened solemnly to their commander’s words, for they knew it would be mighty serious if they were forced to charge the wild men’s fort.


“I done got ’em bottled up! I done got ’em bottled up!” shouted Gogo, the little colored Teenie Weenie, as he ran panting up to the General’s tent.

“What’s bottled up? What’s all the excitement about?” asked the General, popping his head through the opening of his tent.

“Why I-I-I done ketched one of the wild men and turned him ovah to the guard and I done got three mo’ corked up in a bottle.”

“Great Guns! This is exciting. Tell me about it,” cried the General.

“Well, you see it’s dis way,” said Gogo, sitting down on a pebble and mopping his head with his tiny handkerchief. “I done took a walk out beyond the picket lines yonder. I knew I had no business wanderin’ out dere, but I jus’ kept on and pretty soon I run across a big bottle a-layin’ on its side.

“I was kind of ’spicious about dat bottle, fo’ I done see through de glass where some dry grass had done been fixed up fo’ a bed, mighty like some one been sleepin’ dere.

“‘Gogo,’ I says to myself, ‘some one been sleepin’ heah in dis bottle and it ain’t none of de Teenie Weenies, fo’ none of dem has been out heah dis far.’ Den I made up my mind that it mus’ be some of dem scalawag wild men and I reckon dey mus’ stayed in dis bottle when dey was on guard duty watchin’ our army.

“‘But why did dey-all stay in dis heah bottle?’ I says to myself. ‘It’s not cold nights.’ But jus’ den a big mosquito cam’ a-buzzin’ and a-buzzin’ round and den I knew dat the wild men been a-stayin’ in dat bottle fo’ to keep de mosquitoes from bitin’ ’em.

“I says to myself, ‘Some of dese wild men will be 
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