The Teenie Weenies in the Wildwood
tiny heels together, they saluted in the most approved military fashion.

“You sent for us, sir?” said the Cowboy.

“Yes,” answered the General, looking seriously at the sturdy little men. “I have a piece of work for you to do. First I want to tell you that it is mighty risky—in fact, it is extremely dangerous. I will not send you unless you are willing to go—you shall choose.”

“We are ready to go,” answered the little scouts quietly, and their loyalty touched the General greatly.

“I want you to go to the wild men’s fort and get all the information you can,” said the General. “Find out how many men they have, what sort of weapons they use, note the condition of their fort and get some idea of the ground beyond the fort. Get all the facts you can and report to me as soon as possible.”

“Yes, sir,” answered the scouts and, saluting, they hurried to their tent, where they buckled on their tiny pistols. Next they each secured a supply of dried minnow and half a boiled bean, which they stuffed into their pockets.

They slipped quietly out of camp and after a long and tiresome trip they finally drew near to the wild men’s fort. They could hear the voices of the wild men now and then and the two Teenie Weenies were forced to steal along with the greatest care. Presently they crawled up to a place quite near the fort where they could see the wild men every now and then through the long grass. The scouts watched the wild men for several hours and it was quite late before the little fellows could find a chance to crawl away safely and unseen.

Several times on their way back to the Teenie Weenie camp the scouts were forced to hide under leaves and dry grass to keep from being discovered, and once they had to lie for almost an hour in a hollow stick, as several wild men stopped near them to rest.

“It be heap much dark soon,” grunted the Indian as he peered through the grass at the sky.

“We can never get back to camp before night and we couldn’t possibly get through this jungle in the dark, so we’ve got to find some place to spend the night,” whispered the Cowboy.

The two Teenie Weenies found a deserted bird’s nest in a bush near by, and, climbing up the bush, they soon made themselves comfortable for the night.

Early in the morning the little scouts 
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