went down into Hades to get a beauty ointment for Venus. On the way back she thought she needed some of it herself, so she opened the box and the spirit of Sleep came out of it and put her to sleep. I wonder if that means that sleep is the best means of beauty! But Cupid came along, and as he still loved Psyche, he made the spirit of sleep get back into the box and took Psyche to Olympus, where Venus was all right, and Cupid married Psyche, and they were happy. Now don’t you like that? ‘The high gods link love with Faith!’” “I’m not sure that I like the name ‘Psyche Club.’ But I like the idea of it, love, faith, immortality and and keeping on till you reach Olympus. And the butterfly pins would be the dearest things. Would you like enamel ones with butterfly colors, or gold or platinum with a few tiny jewels?” “We could not afford the platinum, I’m afraid.” “We’ll talk it over with the girls.” “If you want some other name, we could put it into Latin or Greek and take the initials.” “Listen to our classic Betty! So easy to put it into Greek, for instance.” “Patty could do it for us, or Dr. Norris.” “True. I hadn’t thought of that. ‘Nothing below Olympus,’ or ‘Nothing less than Olympus.’ I could almost think up the Latin for that myself, Nihil ... minus ... um ... quam Olympus. Wait till I get my dictionary from the girls. Helen borrowed my lexicon for something or other.” “There’s not much use trying to work anything up for this week. Lessons, society meeting and the senior-freshman party are all I can do. Did you ever see such long lessons as we are having, or do I imagine it?” “I think it is harder to get started than usual. I have to study nearly all the time. I suppose they think that we are seniors and can do more.” Again they were looking forward to Friday night and Saturday, but school girls always do that. Every girl who was invited to join the literary society accepted. The first meeting went off without a hitch in the proceedings, Hilary covering herself with glory in her quiet management of it all and her strong, sensible little speech. It was planned to bring in some of the freshmen as soon as they should know them a little better, and to create a few more offices. Miss Randolph thought that enough chairs could be found to equip