Spirit of slumber, rise from thy dark caves! [The spirit of sleep rises up as a grey mist and looms about. Wrap him in thy shadowy embrace And bind him in thy filmy, silken bonds A thousand ages. Merlin. Oh light, thou goest out! [Sinks again. Vivien. Come, black Oblivion, from thy shadowy tomb! [The spirit of oblivion rises as a black smoke. [Pg 30] [Pg 30] Shroud him in thy swart and deep embrace A thousand ages. Bind his senses fast. Make him all droppings of a foul decay. [Merlin moans and sinks in sleep. Merlin [Vivien weaves paces about him. Spirits rise and wind him in a grey and black smoke. Vivien Sleep like any rock or clod of earth, Thou coffin that enclosed a human soul.