The Dreams that Failed Glad Yen The Deceptive Mat The Heart’s Desire The Candy that is not Sweet The Inferior Man The Merry Blind-man Misunderstood The Little Fat One A Chinese Boy-girl Pat and Pan The Crocodile Pagoda ACKNOWLEDGMENT I have to thank the Editors of The Independent, Out West, Hampton’s, The Century, Delineator, Ladies’ Home Journal, Designer, New Idea, Short Stories, Traveler, Good Housekeeping, Housekeeper, Gentlewoman, New York Evening Post, Holland’s, Little Folks, American Motherhood, New England, Youth’s Companion, Montreal Witness, Children’s, Overland, Sunset, and Westerner magazines, who were kind enough to care for my children when I sent them out into the world, for permitting the dear ones to return to me to be grouped together within this volume. 1 Mrs. Spring Fragrance I