reason that is not a convenient train for Katherine to take, will you please wire me what time she will arrive? Sincerely, Aunt Katherine. Sincerely, Aunt Katherine. Kate looked up at her mother, dazed. “Just like that!” she exclaimed. “Does Great Aunt Katherine expect us to obey her just like that?” Katherine was grave. “Yes, she has always done things like this. That’s been the trouble. And when things don’t go exactly as she has commanded that they should, she is at first unbelieving and then furious.” “Hm. And who is Elsie?” “Elsie is Nick’s little girl, and a sort of foster-niece to Aunt Katherine now, I suppose.” “It was Nick’s wife who was killed in the automobile accident in France, wasn’t it? But why haven’t you told me about her, about this Elsie? I’ve always wanted a cousin so, Mother!” “Well, she isn’t exactly a cousin, you know. But even so, if Nick and I hadn’t quarrelled, if we had stayed as we were, in the course of things you would have known each other and perhaps have been very dear friends. It would have been natural.” “Oh, Mother—quarrels! When you are so lovely, how have people quarrelled with you so? It’s a—paradox. Now don’t say I’ve used the wrong word!—But here’s more, more to the letter!” Kate had turned the letter over and discovered a postscript on the back. Katherine, who had missed it, bent down, and they read it cheek to cheek. CONTENTS P.S. I will add, for this will perhaps make your acceptance the quicker to come to, that Nicholas’s name is never mentioned here, either by me or the servants, or even Elsie herself. So that end of things need cause you no anxiety. Elsie is a charming, well-mannered child. That paragraph had not been intended for Kate’s eyes. Katherine understood that at once, but it was all that she did understand about it. She frowned, puzzled. “Notice how she says ‘Make your acceptance quicker to come to’,” Kate pointed out sharply. “She takes it for granted you’ll come to it, apparently. If there is any question, it’s only one of time. But why isn’t Nick’s name mentioned?” Katherine