Love Among the Robots
off R-7."

"Poor psychology," Hen replied with more confidence than he felt. "Fear and coercion'll only cause their antagonism to become firmly implanted. The rational robot, Sofi, can be either the greatest single step man has made towards freedom or...."

"Or what?"

"Enslavement!" It sounded sententious after he had said it. But it was true. He started for the door again.

"What do you mean by that crack?" Sofi stopped him.

He didn't answer her directly. Instead, he replied: "I'm not sure that Robots Incorporated didn't make a mistake when they selected this asteroid as a proving ground. It's too...."

"Don't you go turning in any report like that!" interrupted the girl hotly.

Sofi Jokai had been operating her wildcat uranium mine on a shoestring before Robots Incorporated approached her with their proposition. Now the corporation was paying all the operational expenses so that the proceeds of the mine were pure gravy. Further, they had guaranteed that any improvements which they installed would automatically revert to Sofi when the experimental units were withdrawn. Machinery damaged by the robots was to be replaced at the corporation's expense. A substantial bonus to compensate for the risk involved was included. Robots Incorporated hadn't even over-looked Henry Ohm, their experimental physicist, whom they'd sent along to check the robots. Sofi was to get a monthly check to cover Henry Ohm's board, lodging and nuisance value.

"Hell," said Sofi, "R-7 can chase me twice around the asteroid before breakfast. Just because I blew my top about the mining worm doesn't mean...."

"That's got nothing to do with it," Hen said grimly. "The asteroid's too well adapted to the robots' needs. Airless, waterless, an abundant supply of metals. There's the laboratory. Your mine and equipment. And only the two of us as a check on them."

"Check?" Sofi's blue eyes had gradually widened. "What are you driving at?"

"Why do you suppose Robots Incorporated chose this asteroid as a proving ground?"

"They—they said the mine would afford an opportunity to observe how well the robots adapted themselves to actual working conditions."

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