The Real Lady Hilda: A Sketch
among our household gods! If her mere portrait had wrought such an agreeable transformation in visitor and landlady, what might we not expect from the presence of Lady Hildegarde herself?





Emma’s bedroom was immediately beneath mine, and during the night I heard her coughing repeatedly, a nasty little short hacking cough. I went to her early in the morning, in order to condole with her and urge her to remain in bed; but she was already dressed.


“Kept me awake, my cough, you say? Yes, but I did not mind,” was her extraordinary statement. “I did not want to sleep, I had so much to think about—so many pleasant thoughts.”

“I know what you have been thinking about,” I said, as we sat down to break[84]fast—“or, rather, of whom you have been thinking—of Lady Hildegarde.”




“Of course—why not? I have not seen her for four years and more—nearly five—but she is not the sort of person who would ever change; and really, I hope you won’t think it very mean of me to say it, but she is under obligations to me, and I am not too proud to allow her to repay me. I nursed her for weeks, and we gave her the best nourishment, medical attendance, champagne, ice, all gratis, the rajah’s own saloon carriage to the junction, and, when she said good-by, she seemed really quite affected, and gave me two large photographs of herself, and kissed me over and over, and said, ‘I cannot find words to express all I feel, but I shall never, never, never forget you—my own sister would not have done more! You have saved my life, and you will, I hope, find some day that I am a woman of deeds—not words!’ And now, here is her opportunity. What a piece of luck our coming here! Just by chance! We knew no one in London, and I was too ill latterly to take you about; here Lady Hildegarde will be your sponsor in society and introduce you everywhere. Her own daughter is married, and she is very fond of going out and chaperoning girls—she told 
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