Yours truly, Hashimura Togo. Yours truly, Hashimura Togo 41 41 V Togo Swats the Fly To Editor Good Housekeeper Magazine, noble editor who make fly-chasing delightful among national sports. Dear Sir:—Last Wedsday midnight p.m. were historical date when I bade sad kiss-a-by to employment from home of Mrs. K. W. Pumphrey, North Bourbon, Ky. This were too bad accident from my helplessness. Dear Sir When I enter this sweethearted home Hon. Mrs. Pumphrey say me, “Togo,” she relate, “I am most particular about flies.” “I am sure you must raise some delicious varieties of these live stock,” I collapse for chivalry. “O not to do!” she renig hashly. “I would sooner have a tiger in my home than a fly.” “A tiger might be more noisy,” I negotiate. “A tiger merely contains six claws in his feet,” she snagger, “while a fly got 10,000 scratchers each containing 10,000,000 germs. From this you can estimate.” I attemp to do so until fatigued. “From national science report arranged by42 boss doctor of John Hopsmith University I learn considerable valuable diseases which come from flies. Asthma, miasma, phantasma, connection of the menbranes, loss of memory, worms (hook, book & ring) hydrophobia, anglophobia, colic, bibliography, and jaw-lock. All these are brought to homes from footprints of this poisonous bird.” 42 “They should not be permitted to fly,” I abhor. “It is not when they fly they are harmful. They do the damage when they land,” she tell.