Mr. Togo: Maid of all Work
Baby were not there!!!!!!

[Pg 22]

My brain began running backwards. Where could Hon. Baby went? Was he pulled out of buggy by airships while I was not looking? Had he drop from bottom of that cart or crolled over side and eloped secretively? I confused in all directions while my heart remained stationary.

With empty baby-trundle I trott along each sidewalk requiring, “You seen loose baby?”[Pg 23] from each persons who said they didn’t. Hon. Police come and ask me what was. I told so.

[Pg 23]

“Black Hand stole um!” Holla Hon. Police with rabid calm. So he commence to trott along by me while 48 mobbed persons join up with us. “Have you saw loose baby?” everybody ask it. Nobody had.

Finally, made desperado by my fear, I decide to return back to home of Bushel and report what was. So elope I there, chaperoned by Hon. Police & persons. I stood by porch with quaker knees, knowing Mrs Bushel would be irritated to lose such nice child. While I stood thusly—beholt! Door flew ope and out come Hon. Mrs carrying Hon. Baby in arms!

“Fool Togo!” she yellup.

“Yes, please!” This from me.

“When you left house with Hon. Buggy how could you forgot?”

“Forgot what?” I asked to know.

“You forgot Baby!” she snagger.

Then I remember what was. When I left house she told I shouldn’t disturb Hon. Baby, so I forgot to look see if he was there in Hon. Buggy!

“Mrs Madam,” I erupt, stretching myself[Pg 24] upwards to Samurai height. “By not taking your baby out and losing him, I saved his life. Yet I shall charge you nothing for this heroism.”

[Pg 24]

“You shall save his life again by eloping away from hither at once,” she dib wild-cattishly. “Leave baby-cab on front porch and let me see your absence.”

So I made very sorry removal feeling similar to one who make a living swallowing dull swords.

Hoping you are the same, Yours truly, Hashimura Togo.

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