Lair of the Dragonbird
and I am becoming old.

"How old?" Elliot asked.

Several thousand of your years, the Dragonbird replied.

"And you—"

The Dragonbird silenced him. No, Daniel Elliot; I do not want to answer questions. I am solely concerned with the debt I owe you for saving my life. This Blayne held your future in threat. I think I can aid you and punish him doubly by foiling his plans.

Don't be surprised by anything you see.

The Dragonbird wavered a little, and suddenly it was a bird no longer. Standing before Elliot, fat, ugly face and all, was—

Housten Blayne!

"Don't look so surprised, Elliot," came Blayne's snarling voice. "You'd be surprised what a little high-powered hypnosis can do."

Elliot rubbed his eyes and looked again. It was still Blayne, a smug smile on his heavy lips.

"I'm going to reward you," said Blayne's voice. "You and I will take the late Mr. Blayne for every credit he's got, and we'll get those papers out of his safe."

"But—you mean you'll take Blayne's place?" Elliot asked, feeling as if he were in a dream.

"Temporarily." The fat figure of Blayne wavered and became the Dragonbird again.

Get on my back, Daniel Elliot.

Moments later, they were soaring high in the sky, heading toward Venus City.

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