Kelly Miller, Professor Mathematics Howard University. 19D. W. Onley, D. D., Dentist, Washington, D. C. 19 I. L. Purcell, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Pensacola, Fla. G. T. Robinson, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Nashville, Tenn. Bishop H. M. Turner, D. D., LL. D., A. M. E. Church, Atlanta, Ga. Rev. O. M. Waller, Rector Episcopal Church, Washington, D. C. Prof. H. L. Walker, Principal High School, Augusta, Ga. Prof. Booker T. Washington, President Tuskegee Institute. Prof. N. B. Young, President Florida State Normal and Industrial College. The foregoing are a few leaders in the professions. There are numerous others whose names and deeds have already made history and fame. The present field of leaders in the professions is large, but there are other fields of leadership in the business world. These men are successful and point the way to others to follow, and they must lay down their leadership with the others: Charles Banks, Cashier Bank of Mound Bayou, Mound Bayou, Miss. E. C. Berry, hotel man, Athens, Ohio. Said to keep one of the best hotels in the United States. Rev. R. H. Boyd, President National Doll Company; also of the National Baptist Publishing House, Nashville, Tenn. William Washington Brown, Founder of the True Reformers’ Bank, Richmond, Va. Junius G. Groves, “The Potato King.” Edwardsville, Ky. Deal Jackson, Albany, Georgia, the great cotton king. John Merrick, founder of the North Carolina Mutual and Provident Association, the strongest Negro insurance company in the world; North Carolina.